Andy Garner

By Lucas Thress

(family friend)

The Garner Family

Andy Garner is 48 years old and lives in Arlington, Massachusetts, with his wife, Fiona, and their two sons, Callum and Sam. While the Garners live a life similar to many American families, Andy and Fiona never thought that America would be a permanent home for them and their children. Both Andy and Fiona have lived most of their lives across the pond in the United Kingdom. Andy grew up in York, England and Fiona grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland. Society and culture in United Kingdom has many similarities with the American lifestyle, and even more with the Massachusetts lifestyle. However, it was not the similarities that made the Northeast so special for them, but it was differences that made the Garner's home in Arlington become much more permanent than they ever imagined.

Andy in London, England

Moving Across the Pond

Andy had lived in Washington D.C. when he was seven, but besides that small glimpse at American society, Andy had only lived in the United Kingdom. Andy moved with his family to Arlington in 2008. Moving across the Atlantic was a big decision for the Garners. They were not only leaving behind friends and family, but also leaving behind the cultural side of Britain: the pub, the comedy, the music, and most importantly the iconic British junk food. I interviewed Andy, who is a family friend of mine, asking him about his transition into American society; I wanted to know what was easy, what was difficult, why did his family choose Massachusetts, and what influenced his prolonged stay in the Northeast.