Anti-Asian Racism Resources

In response to ongoing violence towards the Asian community in America

COVID-19 Anti-Asian Racism Resources for K-12

2020 COVID-19 Anti-Asian Racism Resources

Anti-Asian Violence Resources for Educators

Copy of Anti-Asian Violence Resources for Educators

Amid the pandemic, Asian American people continue to experience racism, violence and harassment. These resources can help you teach the historical precedents for this moment, introduce ways for students to recognize and speak up against coronavirus racism, and start conversations with even the youngest learners about recognizing and acting to address injustice.

As COVID-19 infections increase, so too does racism and xenophobia. Use our “Speak Up” strategies to let people know you’re not OK with racist or xenophobic comments about coronavirus or anything else.

Asian Americans have been targeted by racism and xenophobia related to the coronavirus or COVID-19. We offer the following resources in response to this hate.

Hate crimes, anti-immigrant bias and discriminatory acts against Asians and Asian Americans have significantly increased in the U.S. since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Talking with Young Children

Thank you for your interest in our webinar series, “Let’s Talk! Supporting Asian and Asian American Students Through COVID-19." This series has been organized through a collaboration between the MGH Institute of Health Professions, the MGH Center for Cross-Cultural Emotional Student Wellness, and the Harvard Graduate School of Education Let’s Talk! Conference.

During the pandemic, there has been a steep rise in racial discrimination, harassment, and physical assaults against Asian American youth. Parents play a key role in supporting children who may face these attacks or see this behavior around them.

For Members of the AAPI Community

In light of the events in Georgia in March 2021, we want to take a moment to acknowledge the emotional and mental impact this may have on the Asian and Asian American community. To help manage, here are some resources and helpful information.

If you have any additional resources that you would like to recommend, please send an email to

For Allies of the AAPI Community