Domain 1

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  • To understand one’s culture and why culture matters

  • To recognize biases and develop ways to overcome them

  • To consciously work at transforming oneself and one’s professional practice

  • To understand how issues of race, whiteness, and social dominance interact to create and sustain race-based educational disparities

  • To understand how the dynamics of dominance impact student outcomes in our schools and classrooms and how issues of privilege and power may get in the way of one’s practice

  • To understand how one’s race consciousness impacts student’s feelings of inclusion and efficacy

  • To practice the skills and dispositions to engage in difficult conversations as a means to understand privilege

  • To act with empathy and courage to ensure equity, access, and an anti-racist culture

Professional Development:

IDEAS Courses - EDCO

The EDCO Collaborative has 16 member school districts. Educators from those districts are automatically members of EDCO. Non-members are also welcome to sign up for most of EDCO's professional learning programs.

Teaching Through a Culturally Diverse Lens

This is a 6 week online course created to help you become a better educator to ethnically and linguistically diverse students.

Learning for Justice (formerly Teaching Tolerance) offers self-paced, online, and in-person professional learning opportunities for educators

Websites & Tools:


EduColor has been at the forefront of anti-racist, culturally competent, justice-centered conversations since its inception in 2014.

River of Life Activity

This personal reflection tool uses drawing, story-telling, and sharing to help a group get to know each other better. It is a great way to connect and deepen people’s commitment to the issue and movement.

Stages of Racial Identity Development, focus of White Racial Identity

by Beverly Daniel Tatum

What is White Privilege, Really?
Project ImplicitThe Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures attitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to report.

Learning For Justice

In our work with educators, schools, students and communities, Learning for Justice seeks to uphold the mission of the Southern Poverty Law Center: to be a catalyst for racial justice in the South and beyond, working in partnership with communities to dismantle white supremacy, strengthen intersectional movements and advance the human rights of all people.

Jay Smooth - How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Discussing Race - TEDX

Jay Smooth is host of New York's longest running hip-hop radio show, the Underground Railroad on WBAI 99.5 FM in NY, and is an acclaimed commentator on politics and culture.

Other Ways to Be Involved:

  • Informal Interviews of Family Members

  • Reflective writing

  • Journals

  • Visit Other Communities

  • Visit or Read About Successful Teachers in Diverse Settings

  • Participate in School-Wide and District-Wide Efforts to Become an Antiracist and Anti Bias School System


I’m One of the Most

I’m One of the Most Well-Known LGBTQ Teachers in the US and I Was Called Out by a Fourth-Grader for Failing to Be Gender Neutral

11 Things White People Need to Realize About Race - Huffpost

Want to be an ally? Educate yourself.

What is White Privilege, Really?

24 Cognitive Biases Stuffing Up Your Thinking

Cognitive biases make our judgments irrational. We have evolved to use shortcuts in our thinking, which are often useful, but a cognitive bias means there’s a kind of misfiring going on causing us to lose objectivity. This website has been designed to help you identify some of the most common biases stuffing up your thinking.

Lisa Delpit’s The Silenced Dialogue: Pedagogy and Power in Educating Other People’s Children

Harvard educational review

Putting Down the Shield of Silence: Facilitating Dialogues with Bravery and Curiosity

Silence is a shield. It is meant to protect, and it is successful in protection. It protects us from difficult dialogues. For those of us not already targeted, it protects us from being targeted. It protects our relationships. It protects the feeling of peace.


Culturally Responsive Teaching and the Brain

Chapter 4: Preparing to Be a Culturally Responsive Practitioner” Zaretta Hammond

Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning

In Antiracism and Universal Design for Learning: Building Expressways to Success, Andratesha Fritzgerald reveals Universal Design for Learning (UDL) as an effective framework to teach Black and Brown students. Drawing vivid portraits of classroom instruction, Fritzgerald shows how teachers open new roads of communication, engagement, and skill-building for students who feel honored and loved.