
view from Huseyin's Hobocken apartment 

Initial Weeks in The United States

Huseyin's initial months in the United States were tumultuous. When he initially arrived in the United States, he was picked up at the airport by a limousine that Merck had paid for. Huseyin's apartment was in Hoboken, New Jersey, across the Hudson River from Manhattan. The windows in his apartment provided amazing views of New York City. Huseyin was always very social, and living in New York City provided Huseyin with ample opportunities to socialize and develop friendships. While Huseyin was used to city living from his childhood in London, he experienced a major sense of culture shock during his first year in the United States. His experience reminded him of a famous quote from Oscar Wilde: "Great Britain and the United States are two countries, divided by a common language."

On one of Huseyin's first nights in the United States, he went out to a nearby club. At one point, gunshots went off outside of the club, which Huseyin presumed came from someone shooting at people in the club. He quickly learned that he wasn't in danger because gunshots were something that people in New York City had to deal with regularly. 

"Great Brittan and the United States are two countries, divided by a common language" - Oscar Wilde 

Family Tragety 

After only a couple of weeks living in the United States, Huseyin's sister suffered a stroke and became very ill. Huseyin still owned property in the United Kingdom so he flew to the UK and stayed in his house for a couple weeks to look after his sister. During these agonizing weeks, Huseyin and most of his family expected that his sisters health issues would keep him from moving back to the United States. Tragically, after 5 weeks caring for his sister, Huseyin's sister passed away. Saddened by her death, Huseyin decided that he would move back to the United States and create a family there. At this point, the prospect of staying in the United States only temporarily started to change as Huseyin and his family started expecting his immigration to be permanent.