Comparing Cultures

The Lasics considered many options for where to settle down and have a family, including Miami, Seattle, and San Francisco, but they landed on Boston because they felt it was better than the rest.

So, why Boston?

"It's progressive, it's a little bit more liberal, it's open, I like the weather, I like the seasons, I like being near the coast, I like the fact that there's lots to do, and they have good schools. It's ideal ... I like it for our kids," - Helen


Both Helen and Igor don't like how absolutist and materialistic American culture is. They grew up prioritizing things like family and necessity, where as Americans prioritize work and only see things in black and white.

"It’s binary, kind of. They like you or don’t like you and that’s it, there’s nothing in between," - Igor

They also notice a level of ignorance from Americans. For example, Helen is frequently asked if she knows the queen, and whenever Igor says he is from Croatia, people ask where that is.


"Vacations are really important, taking time for family is really important, where I feel like Americans just can’t stop working. And we don’t stop working because that’s just part of the culture," - Helen

While Igor and Helen agree that the work culture is very important to Americans, they also think that there is a lack of discipline at the high school and college level of education. They think it is not only a discipline issue, but the education system itself.

"In Croatia, I was barely passing from year to year ... my average was probably around a C. And I came here and was a top 10 student for four years in a row," - Igor

"The American Dream"

"For Croatians, going abroad is like a dream ... you could have a better life here if you come from poverty," - Igor

"I mean, what is the American dream?" - Helen

While Helen didn't think much of the American dream when immigrating to America, Igor had high hopes in mind when he came. Thankfully today, they both feel that they've "made it"