Later Life in Boston

Elena ended up staying near the Boston area as she wanted to stay near her parents as they were getting older. After college, Elena worked for a year then went back to school to study within the fields of architecture and city planning. Then, she ended up moving out and lived in a studio in Beacon Hill. Elena describes her mom’s reaction to this as “she was heartbroken” and confused as to why she would move out as “she was an unmarried young woman”. The generational gap, as she was adopted, and the cultural gap, as she grew up in the United States, sometimes made it difficult for Elena and her parents as they were on different wavelengths. Nevertheless, they loved each other very much.

Hong Lok House Apartments

Today, Elena lives in Needham, MA but commutes to Chinatown everyday to work. She works as an assistant property manager at the Hong Lok house. Managed by the Rogerson Communities, it is a private non-profit “that manages and develops housing for people ages 55 and older”. Elena takes care of the property that houses these elderly people. While most of these people are independent, aid in the form of “visiting nurses and social services” are present.

Elena's parents in front of their later home in Boston

What makes Elena’s job, of now eight years, so special is that it comes full circle. As Elena’s parents were getting older, she spent a lot of time taking care of them. Unfortunately, both of her parents have passed on. However, their love and support still live with her today. Elena’s job means a lot to her because it is her way of “giving back to the community” and “there is nothing more rewarding”. She is able to take care of people like her parents and help these older people with their health and happiness.