About Nebo Summer Camp on Stage

Two sessions available:

Spring Lake Elementary June 3-14

Hobble Creek Elementary June 17-28

9:00 am to 12:00 noon Monday - Friday

Nebo Summer Camp on Stage is a immersive experience into acting and theatre production. It is FUN! The students are engaged nearly non-stop with theatre games and activities.  They will make new friends, learn acting skills, engage their creativity,  increase their confidence and go through all the steps of producing a play from casting to cast party. This camp provides a great intro to theatre or a perfect opportunity to hone blossoming talent. 

Each day begins with activities and games to learn and practice skills such as story creation, projecting,  stage movement and direction, line delivery and expression,  stage business,  improvisation and much more. (Fun!) The second part of the time is spent in putting the play together. (Even more Fun!) 

Nebo Summer Camp on Stage

Basic schedule of what we'll be doing each day:

Day 1 [Focus: Project & Cheat]

• Pantomime - stage movement

• Discuss workshop play review characters 

• Discuss audition techniques and audition for parts!

• Announce parts, hand out scripts and read through

Day 2 [Focus: Random vs. Related]

• Discuss elements of a good story

• Create short scenes using the five story elements

• Perform Pantomime scenes 

• Begin blocking (figuring movement) the show

Day 3  [Focus: Emotion]

• Discuss, "What does it take to put on a show?"

• Theater Careers discussion 

• Discuss Costume needs

• Continue blocking scenes

Day 4 [Focus: Expression]

• Discuss, model and practice Expressive Communication

• Perform nursery rhymes and poems expressively

• Review scenes and continue blocking

Day 5 [Focus: In Character]

Discuss, model and practice Improvisation 

• Perform improv skits with fun objects

• Review scenes and finish blocking

Day 6  [Focus: Make it Big]

• Discuss, model and practice "big" line delivery

• Begin adding other elements: scenery, set pieces, props, etc.

• Run through all scenes

Day 7 [Focus: Stage Business]

• Discuss, model and practice being deliberate with stage "business" and movement.

• Practice projection (get LOUD!)

• Run through whole show

Day 8  [Focus: Stage Focus/Movement]

• Video record show

• Discuss Theater Etiquette

• Watch video and evaluate: especially for line delivery

• Run through show with props & costumes. 

Day 9  [Focus: Interaction]

• Performance Day!

• Final reharsal

• Performance @ 11:00 

• Performance @ 11:30 

Day 10  [Focus: Celebrate]

• Strike Set (clean up and put away everything)

• Final skits with group

• Watch play: enjoy and evaluate