ELA 6: English Language Arts

Hi <insert your name here>!

I'm so happy to see you!

Some thoughts about our current ELA6 situation:

  1. I miss you.
  2. I hope you are taking care of yourself and your people.
  3. I hope you are managing to have some fun.
  4. I hope you are reading & writing.
  5. I hope you are checking your email and checking google classroom EVERY day we would ordinarily have school. http://classroom.google.com We'll use it to stay connected.
  6. I hope you use this website to stay connected, too. Visit the Literacy Peddler page to see book recommendations and writing ideas.

Getting Started with Lexia PowerUp Literacy video

Getting Started with Lexia PowerUp Literacy.webm
Links to Learner Recommended Sites

Looking for a new game or other online activity?

Use this link to find a list of websites for games and activities that are recommended by your fellow sixth grade learners.

This is Darth tempting me. He is suggesting that I could be reading when I should be working. I am clearly struggling to demonstrate accountability.

Extension Activities!

Are you looking for ways to extend your learning in English Language Arts? Look no further! I've assembled a list of websites and project ideas to inspire you. I'll add to the list as I come across additional opportunities. As you come across or come up with ways to extend your reading and writing while doing distance learning, let me know; I'll add your ideas to this list, too!