4-H Volunteer Impact Study

4-H Volunteer Impact Study

The 2018 North Central Region 4-H Volunteer Impact Study was a 12-state study of volunteers in the 4-H Youth Development Program. These states included: IA, IL, IN, KS, MI, MN, MO, ND, NE, OH, SD, and WI. An electronic survey was sent to 1,000 randomly selected volunteers in each state and a total of 2,978 volunteers completed the survey (30% response rate).

The purpose of the study was to document the impact volunteers have on the 4-H program. Specifically, the goals were:

North Dakota Participants

61% Gen Xers

22% Millenials

17% Boomers

North Dakota 4-H Volunteer Data

Volunteer years of service

Childhood participation in 4-H

Individual Benefits

Volunteers personally benefit from their involvement in the 4-H Youth Development Program. Volunteers come into the 4-H program hoping to support youth and make a difference, but they also gain skills in teaching, leadership and communication. These skills transfer to other environments in which volunteers work and live. 

Volunteers Reported

Quotes from North Dakota 4-H Volunteers

" I also serve on my local school board, I believe that skills I've gained from volunteering with 4-H have also helped me become a better board member. It has really helped me with my communication skills."

"The most significant experience isn't just one. When youth come up to me after a contest, or fair with a huge smile and thank you. Telling me it is a lot of fun, they learned new things and can't wait for the next one. Seeing the connection of youth between different clubs and cities, is wonderful."

"4-H has helped me become a better leader for other settings such as at work, and also with other non-profit groups I am involved in. 4-H has broadened my vision of how I look at people, youth, volunteering, giving back to the community, learning new skills, etc."

"The 4-H events and activities involve the youth, parents, volunteers and staff all interacting and participating in fun, supportive, encouraging, and educational way whether it is learning how to can vegetables, make a healthy snack, or give a speech."

Organizational Benefits

Volunteers give their time, talents, and energy to the 4-H Youth Development program. On average volunteers give 7 hours per month - annually each volunteer’s time is worth $2,165!* In addition to their time, 97% of volunteers contributed supplies and 89% of volunteers contributed money to the program.

Volunteers serve as primary ambassadors to our program doing work such as talking about the importance of 4-H, recruiting new youth and volunteers, and growing community partnerships. Most importantly, volunteers help youth gain learning and leadership skills as they prepare for careers and engage in communities. 

98% help youth serve their communities

96% help make youth ready for future careers

97% help youth build leadership skills

Public Value

Volunteers impact the communities where they live and work. Their value goes beyond the scope of the program and leads to changes in community conditions. Volunteers impact communities in four main ways: by making communities stronger, by connecting communities, by improving the health of communities, and by increasing civic involvement. 

93% say volunteering with 4-H makes communities stronger

87% say volunteering with 4-H contributes to better connected communities

87%  say volunteering with 4-H improves the health of communities

87% say volunteering with 4-H increases civic involvement

4-H Volunteers Matter

Volunteers make a significant impact. The 4-H Youth Development program would not be possible without volunteers. Through their service, volunteers grow personally. They enrich the 4-H program and youth. They make our communities stronger.

For more information on the NCR 4-H Volunteer Impact Research Study, please contact Rachelle Vettern, Ph.D., Professor and Leadership & Volunteer Development Specialist: rachelle.vettern@ndsu.edu (701) 231-7541.

*Direct value of volunteer contributions based on Independent Sector hourly rate of $25.77 in 2018 for ND.

2019 Copyright North Central Region (NCR) 4-H Volunteer Impact Study conducted by the NCR Volunteer Extension Specialists and Evaluation Specialists from MN and WI.