Recreating the lost RNA World of primordial life

 Illuminating the hidden RNA World of modern life

              Keep an eye on this space for updates

July 9, 2024 

We had our first group meeting, where postdoc Annyesha presented her PhD research and recent results in our lab. 

We hope this is the start of something great!

June 10-14, 2024 

Taylor attended AbGradCon (the largest Astrobiology conference for students) at Cornell. She presented a poster on her work on the importance of bifunctional RNA enzymes on primordial enzyme evolution.

The first of many for Taylor!

June 7, 2024 

We had our Lab Warming party. 

Great job, Taylor, for putting everything together!

June, 2024 

High schoolers Areej Arif, Ishita Aswasthi, and Jenny Yang join the lab for a month-long summer internship. They will be developing heavy-metal sensors using RNA aptamers

May 13-14, 2024 

Saurja was an invited speaker at the University of Notre Dame Annual Biochemistry/IBMS retreat. 

His talk was entitled "How to create life...from scratch"

                   Matt Politte

       Drew Baranko

April 26, 2024 

The lab welcomes undergraduate students Matthew Politte (Organic Chemistry major) and Andrew Baranko (Biochemistry major). 

Matt and Drew will develop RNA aptamer-based biosensors.

April 5-6, 2024 

Taylor and Saurja attended the inaugural 'Organs and Origins' Conference titled: "What is an Organ?"  

Taylor was awarded a fellowship funded by the John Templeton Foundation.

Read more about the conference here

March 19, 2024 

Our collaborative paper was published in PNAS Nexus

In this paper, we explored environments that would have been conducive to the emergence of cellular life on the Earth. We showed that natural soda lake water could provide a suitable environment for three processes likely important for the origin of cellular life: nonenzymatic RNA polymerization, ribozyme activity, and encapsulation by prebiotic membranes. Read the paper here

March 18, 2024 

Taylor Opolka joins the lab as its first graduate student. 

Taylor joined us from Davenport University, where she was a star basketball player. 

She will investigate the molecular principles underlying RNA evolution. Welcome to the RNA World, Taylor!

March 1, 2024 

We did our first experiment! 

That's one small step for a new lab... 

December 8, 2023 

Saurja was an invited speaker at the Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). He spoke about his efforts to create RNA-based life in the lab.

December 2, 2023 

The DasGupta Laboratory Charter is ready. 

Take a look here.

November 3, 2023 

Saurja is profiled by Notre Dame Science. 

Read the interview here.

September 14, 2023 

Saurja spoke at the 1st NYC RNA Symposium at The Rockefeller University. 

The title of his talk was: "Primordial RNA assembly: Chemistry, Catalysis, and Compartmentalization."

August 3, 2023 

New paper out in ACS Central Science

Read the paper here

We establish molecular crowding as a general mechanism to allow RNA enzymes to function at low concentrations of Mg ions.

Read a companion review on 'molecular crowding and RNA catalysis' here.

August 2, 2023 

Saurja spoke at Origins 2023

The title of his talk was: "Primordial RNA assembly: Chemistry, Catalysis, and Compartmentalization."

June 30, 2023 

New paper out in Chemistry - A European Journal

Read the paper here

We establish the first instance of RNA-catalyzed RNA assembly within prebiotically relevant fatty acid protocells.

June 29, 2023 

Zoe Weiss, Saurja's undergraduate mentee at Harvard, shares her research experience in Science. It is one of the top personal essays published in Science this year. See here. Read her story here. Read Harvard's profile of Zoe here. Read Zoe and Saurja's paper here

Zoe is currently a post-baccalaureate researcher in Dr. Francis Collins' lab at NIH.

December 8, 2023 

Saurja was an invited speaker at the Molecular Biophysics Unit (MBU) at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc). He spoke about his efforts to create RNA-based life in the lab.