Public Lecture


14:00 - 16:00, July 22, 2021 (Thursday)

Cisco Webex, Online seminar

(線上演講 Cisco Webex)

Mathematics of Controlling Epidemic

Chi-Tai Fang (National Taiwan University)


One thousand and five hundred years ago, global pandemics destroyed classical civilizations across Eurasia and brought humanity to the Dark Age. Since the Renaissance, epidemic control had been an important focus of theoretical sciences. But the required mathematical tools were not available until 17th century when Newton and Leibniz developed calculus to analyze dynamic processes which characterize epidemics. The microcomputer revolution in the late 20th century made it feasible for the first time to apply the theory of probability and algorithm to understand stochastic process, another key feature of epidemics. In this lecture, I will introduce modern mathematical approaches to model epidemics, including the use of differential equations and algorithm to understand, to predict, and to prevent or rapidly control a deadly epidemic. Finally, I will use the COVID-19 pandemic as examples to illustrate the essential role of mathematics in formulating a successful pandemic response for this unprecedented threat.

And there's an interview with Prof. Fang on NCTS Newsletter Vol. 9.