
Track & Field

Head Coach:  Peter Auclair peter.auclair@ncsuvt.org

Head Coach:  Shelly Audette shelly.audette@ncsuvt.org

NCUJHS Head Coach:  Julie Gunn julie.gunn@ncsuvt.org

Special Note:  NCUJHS students have their own school based program.  NCUJHS activities are overseen by John Gunn (Athletic Director) john.gunn@ncsuvt.org.

Softball & Baseball

Head Softball Coach:  Scott Wing scottwing039@gmail.com

Head Baseball Coach:  Ryan Sargent sargent_construction@yahoo.com

In order to be eligible for Interscholastic games, students must participate in 7 practices prior to their first game. This is a VPA requirement!

Check schedule frequently for updates!

The Loyalty Clause will be in effect for NCSU Softball and Baseball.

Loyalty Clause:  Whenever a conflict arises between the school team practice/competition and out of school practice/competition on the same day, the school team practice/competition shall be honored by the student athlete. Priority must be given at all times to the school team, it’s practice, and it’s contest unless permission has been granted by the school. It is expressly understood that permission shall not be granted on a regular basis.

Athletic Registration:  For students to be eligible to participate, parents/guardians must complete the online registration.