I am an Associate Professor in the Mathematics Department at North Carolina State University.  My research interests include low-dimensional topology, knot theory, Floer theory, gauge theory, symplectic/contact topology, and orderability of groups.  My research is currently supported by the National Science Foundation and Sloan Foundation.  

Pronouns.  He/him/his. 

E-mail.  tlid 'at' math 'dot' ncsu 'dot' edu.

Office.  3246 SAS Hall.

Want to chat another time?  Please e-mail me and I am happy to set up a meeting(Virtual or in person.)

GLBT Center Advocate, Green Zone Trainee, Pack Essentials Ally, Pack Survivor Support Alliance.  


Blog.  I have a blog discussing low-dimensional topology, the profession, and some other aspects of mathematics.   I am happy to hear any comments or suggestions.



NCSU Geometry and Topology Group(with Bojko Bakalov, Irina Kogan, Andy Manion, Peter McGrath, Andy Sageman-Furnas, Teemu Saksala, Radmila Sazdanovic) A weekly seminar covering a variety of topics in geometry and topology.  Contact me to join the mailing list.

Triangle Topology Group. (with Adam Levine, Lenny Ng, Radmila Sazdanovic) A rotating seminar between Duke and NCSU.  Contact me to join the mailing list.

Mechanism Design 4 Social Good.  I sometimes take part in the Civic Participation group.

Virtual Low-Dimensional Topology(with John Baldwin, James Farre, Kyle Hayden, Kristen Hendricks, Siddhi Krishna, Miriam Kuzbury, Allison Moore, Lenny Ng, Lisa Piccirillo, Juanita Pinzon-Caicedo) An online platform featuring the Trends in Low-Dimensional Topology virtual seminar, graduate student teas, office hours with topologists, learning groups, career panels, and more.  (This is on hiatus.)


Math and Dance.  I have worked with Black Box Dance Theater to explore and teach topology through dance.  This includes education, outreach, and performance.  

Current PhD students: 

Matt Elpers (2023-)

Everett Meike (2020-)

Past PhD students: 

Dave White (graduated 2023)

Rob DeYeso (graduated 2022) 

Dustin Leininger (graduated 2020, co-advised with Andrew Cooper)

Claire Zajaczkowski (graduated 2019)

NCSU Resources:

GLBT Center.  Offers educational programming and social events. 

Pack Essentials.  Provides food, housing, emergency funding, and other basic needs for the campus community. 

Women's Center.  Offers educational programming and survivor services.

Other Resources: 

Association for Women in MathematicsThe AWM’s mission is to promote equal opportunity and the equal treatment of women and girls in the mathematical sciences, supporting individuals and institutions as we all work to make a more just and equitable community. 

National Association of MathematiciansNAM is a non-profit professional organization in the mathematical sciences with membership open to all persons interested in the mission and purpose of NAM which are promoting excellence in the mathematical sciences and promoting the mathematical development of all underrepresented minorities.

Nature's Dance Your PhD Contest.  Self-explanatory!

NCSU Diversity and Inclusion in Mathematical and Statistical Sciences Brown Bag Lunch(This is on a temporary hiatus.)

NSF Public Access Repository.  Underutilized!  You can find a lot of final versions of papers here.  

Park City Mathematics InstituteThey host a workshop on Rehumanizing Mathematics and research-focused programs for undergraduates, graduate students, researchers, and teachers.  

Society for the Advancement of Chicano and Native American ScientistsSACNAS is an inclusive organization dedicated to fostering the success of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans, from college students to professionals, in attaining advanced degrees, careers, and positions of leadership in STEM. 

Unsolicited Information: 

Run commuting brings me a great deal of happiness.  Feel free to reach out if you have questions about logistics, gear, etc.