Virtual Low-Dimensional Topology
As conferences, workshops, and seminars have been cancelled due to COVID-19, a number of "virtual" seminars have been popping up in their places. The aim of Virtual Low-Dimensional Topology is to organize virtual activities related to all facets of low-dimensional topology. We're keeping a calendar, launching a few events, and providing a repository of links to other online seminars. Stay up to date by joining the mailing list.
This broad audience seminar will run once weekly and feature a pair of 25 minute research talks. The goals of the seminar are to stay abreast of current progress and programs on 2, 3, and 4-manifolds, and to provide exposure for early-career researchers.
We're keeping a repository of the virtual topology seminars that are open to everyone. Are you organizing a virtual seminar you want to advertise broadly? Let us know and we'll add it to our repository.
Speaking to humans is a great way to do math. We will launch a few interactive groups of our own and collect those of others; this includes reading seminars, working groups, virtualized workshops, and any other topological internet-y interactive endeavors. We think it's a pretty good time to experiment with new formats.
Meetings of working groups will be posted on the calendar.
Various topologists will be available for questions or to host a discussion. Anyone working in topology, especially students, are encouraged to participate. The event will either be an opportunity to discuss research mathematics or another aspect of the profession (e.g. applying for jobs, grant proposals, diversity and equity).
Activities including a graduate student tea and informational panels which help to simulate many of the opportunities found traditionally through in-person conference or seminar visit.