Social, networking, panels

Graduate student tea

We will be hosting a virtual tea for topology graduate students. Our goal is to create a friendly, welcoming space for students to connect and network with each other. We hope to simulate a real life tea or conference coffee break. There will also be a handful of early-career topologists joining the tea and happy to chat.

The plan: we'll create a general Zoom meeting that will branch out into breakout rooms as the number of participants grows. Upon entering, all participants will be made co-hosts so that they can create breakout rooms and move between them as desired.

Tea will be held from 4 - 5pm EST on Thursday afternoons. Please check the calendar for the date of the next one.

Here is the zoom link; The password is the namesake of the non-orientable bottle. (Five letters, first letter capitalized.)

We are committed to creating a friendly, welcoming, and inclusive environment for all participants. We ask that everyone treat each with respect and kindness, especially amid these challenging circumstances. In particular, please respect the diversity of our community.

Comments/questions/suggestions to the organizers (Kyle Hayden, Siddhi Krishna, and Tye Lidman) at lowdimensionaltopology (at) gmail (dot) com, or siddhi (dot) krishna (at) bc (dot) edu, or hayden (at) math (dot) columbia (dot) edu are encouraged and appreciated.

Career Panel:

We will be hosting a virtual career panel on Tuesday, June 23 from 3 - 4pm Eastern Time, followed by a roundtable discussion. Mathematicians at any career stage are encouraged to attend!

We are delighted to have the following panelists:

  • Diana Hubbard (Assistant Professor at Brooklyn College, CUNY)

  • Jesse Johnson (Head of Software Engineering, Cellarity)

  • Swatee Naik (Program Director, National Science Foundation)

  • Alan Reid (Professor and Chair of the math department, Rice University)

  • Lisa Traynor (Professor and Chair of the math department, Bryn Mawr College)

Do you have questions for our panelists? Please submit them here by Friday, June 19th, so we can get them to our guests before the event.

Link to career panel (starts at 3pm): (meeting id is 919 4459 3645, no password.)

Link to roundtable discussion (starts at 4pm): (meeting id is 966 7316 7920, no password.)

If you missed the career panel: you can watch a recording here (and you can see the questions discussed here).

Questions, comments, or suggestions? Contact siddhi (dot) krishna (at) bc (dot) edu, or hayden (at) math (dot) columbia (dot) edu.

Past social events outside of virtual LDT:

Coffee/Office hours by and for underrepresented groups in symplectic and contact topology. Organizers: Orsola Capovilla-Searle, Leo Digiosia, Lea Kenigsberg