Twelfth Night

Performances, Adaptations, and Resources for Teaching and Studying Shakespeare

Act 3, Scene 4 (Mark Rylance and Stephen Fry, Globe, 2013)

Description: Performance of the encounter between Olivia and a cross-gartered Malvolio in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

Type: Stage production

Act 3, Scene 4 (Trevor Nunn, 1996)

Description: Performance of the encounter between Olivia and a cross-gartered Malvolio in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night  (Note: Source mislabels scene)

Type: Film/video

Final Scene (Helena Bonham Carter; Trevor Nunn, 1996)

Description: Performance of the final scene with Viola/Cesario, Sebastian, Oliva, Duke Orsino, and others in Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

Type: Film/video

Trailer for Twelfth Night (RSC, 2018)

Description: Trailer depicting multiple scenes for a performance of Shakespeare's Twelfth Night

Type: Film/video