Titus Andronicus

Performances, Adaptations, and Resources for Teaching and Studying Shakespeare

Act 1, Scene 1: Tamora's Plea (RSC, Barbican Theatre, 2017) 

Description: Performance of Tamora's plea to Titus for Alarbus, her son 

Type: Stage production

Act 1, Scene 1: Exchanges (Globe, 2015)

Description: Performance of the early exchanges between Saturninus, Titus, Tamora, and Lavinia

Type: Stage production

Julie Taymor's Titus (1999): Opening Scene, partial

Description: Performance of the entrance of Titus, Lucius, young Lucius, and the Roman army returning with their prisoners

Type: Film/video

Performing Titus: Actor/Director Insights (Patrick Stewart)

Description: Reflections by Patrick Stewart on performing Titus Andronicus

Type: Stage production/video

Brian Cox: Titus Andronicus Killing Chiron and Demetrius (Reflections & Performance)

Description: Reflections by Brian Cox on performing Titus Andronicus

Type: Stage production/video

Behind-the-Scenes (Globe, 2006)

Description: A behind-the-scenes look at performing Titus Andronicus

Type: Stage production/video