Join the Lab

We are always seeking motivated Ph.D. students with a background in computer science or related fields (computational media, computational linguistics, mathematical logic, etc.) to join the POEM Lab. Please view our projects list to see the kind of work we are interested in pursuing. We're also interested in speaking with potential postdoctoral, faculty, and industry collaborators.

Please fill out this form to apply to work with us.

NC State's graduate school application for the Computer Science Department (CSC) is due December 15, 2016. Here is more information on NC State CSC's Ph.D. program.

Please contact Dr. Martens with any questions specific to the lab.

Lab Code of Conduct

The POEM Lab is committed to treating all students and collaborators with respect. We will not tolerate sexism, racism, or other -isms. When joining the lab, students will be asked to help promote a culture where it's okay and encouraged to ask questions, to be wrong, to fail, to have things to learn. We will strive to educate ourselves, to ask each other questions, to give and ask for help, and to maintain a collegial, collaborative, and inquisitive spirit.