News Archive
10/24/22 PhD student Rebekah Rhodes was awarded a Dissertation Completion Award by the NCSU Graduate School!
10/12/22 PhD student Rebekah Rhodes gave a talk at the Geological Society of America's Annual Meeting in Denver about her work on interpreting the isotopic record of stromatolites from the Eocene Green River Basin!
10/1/22 Our collaboration with NCSU Biology and NCSU Statistics using statistical models to discriminate between paleobiogeographic patterns was published in The Anatomical Record!
9/15/22 Our collaboration with the NCSU Herbarium developing paleovegetation records of key Piedmont ecosystems was published in Castanea!
8/15/22 PhD student Lillian Minnebo joined our group to work on using clumped isotopes to develop high-resolution seasonal temperature records in Atlantic coast bivalves!
8/15/22 PI Ethan Hyland was granted tenure and promoted to Associate Professor!
6/22/22 Our collaboration with CONICET Argentina developing new paleosol-based paleoclimate records of Eocene greenhouse conditions in Patagonia was published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology!
6/20/22 Our collaboration with Stellenbosch University and Kasetsart University reevaluating the stratigraphy, paleoclimate, and paleontology of the Khorat Group of Thailand was published in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology!
6/1/22 PhD student Iffat Azmi was awarded a Geological Society of America Graduate Student Research Grant for her work on the stratigraphy and paleoclimate of Miocene sections in northern Argentina!
5/1/22 PI Ethan Hyland was granted tenure and promotion to Associate Professor.
4/28/22 PI Ethan Hyland was awarded the Goodnight Early Career Innovator fellowship for his paleoclimate and paleoecology research at NCSU.
4/25/22 Undergrad student Liz Baron gave a virtual poster presentation at the inaugural MEAS Symposium on her work describing the OAE2 event in the Naturita/Tununk formations from the Late Cretaceous WIB!
2/1/22 Our collaboration with App State and University of Perugia examining fluid flow in low-angle normal faults (Altotiberina system) in Italy was published (open access) in Frontiers in Earth Science!
12/14/21 Postdoc Landon Burgener gave a talk at the 2021 AGU Fall Meeting about his work on mapping Koppen climate zones throughout the Cretaceous!
10/10/21 PhD student Iffat Azmi gave a talk at the 2021 GSA Fall Meeting about her work on developing paleoclimate and paleoecology records of northwest Argentina!
8/16/21 MS student Katie Berry joined our group, to work on reconstructions of Holocene climate and vegetation changes on the Coastal Plain!
8/6/21 Postdoc Landon Burgener moved to his new position as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geology at Brigham Young University!
6/30/21 PhD student Rebekah Rhodes won an International Association of Geochemistry (IAGC) Student Research Award for her work on "Variability in terrestrial climate during the Early Eocene Climatic Optimum: A study of the Green River Formation, southwestern Wyoming (USA)"!
6/10/21 Our collaboration with UW reviewing the rise of the Colorado Plateau and future opportunities for proxy refinement and uplift models was published (open access) in Frontiers in Earth Science!
5/25/21 Our collaboration with >20 labs worldwide on standardizing carbonate clumped isotope measurements and calcite reference materials was published (open access) in Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems and highlighted in EOS!
2/1/21 Our work on Cretaceous climate gradients (and ecological pronvincialism) along the Western Interior Basin (in collaboration with NCSU's Drs. Mitasova, Griffith, Gates, and Zanno) was published online in GSA Bulletin!
1/1/21 Encyclopedia of Geology chapter on the geological consequences of climate change (in collaboration with MEAS's Dr. Arendt) is finally in press!
12/16/20 PhD student Rebekah Rhodes presented her work on linking core and outcrop records of the EECO in the Green River Basin at the AGU Fall 2020 Meeting!
12/15/20 PI Ethan Hyland presented his work on developing paleo-Koppen climate zone maps of the Cretaceous at the AGU Fall 2020 Meeting!
10/28/20 Postdoc Landon Burgener presented his work on proxy biases in temperature seasonality estimates at the GSA Fall 2020 Meeting!
6/26/20 MS student Ellie Cardenal successfully defended her thesis, "Exploring the effects of rapid land use changes on the Piedmont landscape using plant microfossils and legacy sediment"!
6/16/20 MS student Ashly Padgett successfully defended her thesis, "Terrestrial paleoclimate and geology during unusual climate states – Utilizing isotope geochemistry across Ellesmere and Axel Heiberg Islands" !
5/20/20 TriCEM grant awarded to our interdisciplinary team at NCSU, studying isotopic methods for identifying pathologic and medullary bone in reptiles and dinosaurs!
5/5/20 Postdoc Landon Burgener presented his work on Late Cretaceous floral and faunal provincialism in the Western Interior Basin at the GSA Rocky Mountain Section Meeting!
12/10/19 Postdoc Landon Burgener presented his work on continental-scale climate and environmental reconstructions of the Late Cretaceous at the AGU Fall Meeting!
11/4/19 Graduate Student Rebekah Rhodes passed her preliminary exam and advanced to PhD Candidacy!
9/16/19 NSF-GCR grant awarded to our interdisciplinary team at NCSU, studying exceptional fossil preservation in carbonates and links to carbon dioxide sequestration!
8/15/19 NSF-FRES grant awarded to our interdisciplinary team at NCSU, studying the fossil and climatic records of the Western Interior Seaway during the Cretaceous!
4/10/19 AC-21 grant awarded to our interdisciplinary team at NCSU, studying fossil conservation and paleontological intersections in Southeast Asia (Thailand)!
4/1/19 NSF-SGP grant awarded, studying the intensification of the South American Summer Monsoon and its impact on the rise of C4 grasses!
2/15/19 Postdoc Landon Burgener's paper about Late Cretaceous seasonality came out in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology!
1/30/19 PI Ethan Hyland's paper about Jurassic environments in the Navajo Sandstone came out in Sedimentology!
1/27/19 Postdoc Landon Burgener presented his work on Late Cretaceous clumped isotope records at the 7th International Clumped Isotopes Workshop (ICIW)!
12/15/18 PI Ethan Hyland's comment on Andrews et al's PETM paper came out in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology!
12/14/18 Student Ashly Padgett presented her work on clumped isotope records of Paleogene arctic climate at the AGU Fall Meeting!
12/14/18 Student Rebekah Rhodes presented her work on isotopic records from Eocene lacustrine stromatolites at the AGU Fall Meeting!
10/11/18 Student Julia Kelson's paper about subtropical climate during the Paleogene came out in Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology!
10/4/18 PI Ethan Hyland's paper about Early Eocene seasonality in the North American interior came out in Climate of the Past!
9/1/18 Landon Burgener joined the Paleo3 research group as a Postdoctoral Scholar!
8/15/18 Ellie Cardenal joined the Paleo3 research group as an MS student!
8/14/18 NSF-IES grant awarded, examining the depositional and climate history of the Green River Basin!
8/1/18 PI Ethan Hyland's paper on the evolution of C4 grasslands in Montana came out in GSA Bulletin!
11/27/17 PI Ethan Hyland joined the Editorial Board of Geology!
8/15/17 Ashly Padgett joined the Paleo3 research group as a PhD student!
8/15/17 Rebekah Rhodes joined the Paleo3 research group as a PhD student!
1/2/17 PI Ethan Hyland's paper on constraining the EECO came out (and was the cover story) in GSA Bulletin!
1/1/17 Ethan Hyland founds the Paleo3 Research Group in the MEAS department at NCSU!