
Tuesday October 8

8:15 Welcome and meeting overview (Ruoying He and John Bane)

Northwest Atlantic (8:30 – 9:50) Chair: Robert Todd

Long-term SST Variability on the Northwest Atlantic Continental Shelf and Slope (Zhuomin Chen, WHOI)

Effects of Solar Penetration on the Prediction of Upper Ocean Circulation in the Northwest Atlantic (Yangyang Liu, NCSU)

Creating a pCO2 Climatology with a Feed-Forward Neural Network for the NW Atlantic Ocean (Laura McGee, NCSU)

Ocean Surface Boundary Layer Response to Abruptly Changing Wind Direction (Xingchi Wang, U. Delaware)

BREAK (9:50 – 10:10)

Meteorology (10:10 – 11:30) Chair: Glen Gawarkiewicz

Modeling Investigation on the Upper Ocean Responses to Passages of 46 Major Hurricanes in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean (Haibo Zong, NCSU)

Atmospheric Forcing of the Hatteras Coastal Ocean during PEACH (John Bane, UNC Chapel Hill)

Investigation of Extreme Weather, Ocean Current, Wave, and Coastal Flooding During Hurricane Florence (2018) Using the Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere-Wave-Sediment Transport (COAWST) Model (Joe Zambon, NCSU)

Variability and Predictability of North Atlantic Tropical Cyclone Frequency (Wei Mei, UNC Chapel Hill)

LUNCH (11:30 – 13:00) See list of options and map below.

Gulf Stream and Rings (13:00 – 14:20) Chair: Catherine Edwards

A Census of Gulf Stream Warm Core Rings: 1980-2017 (Avijit Gangopadhyay, UMass-Dartmouth)

A Census of Gulf Stream Cold Core Rings: 1980-2018 (Adrienne Silver, UMass-Dartmouth)

Surface Divergent Meridional Eddy Heat Fluxes in the Gulf Stream (Yiming Guo, NCSU)

Data Assimilative Modeling Investigation of Gulf Stream Dynamics Along the U.S. East Coast Seaboard (Shun Mao, NCSU)

BREAK (14:20 – 14:40)

Cape Hatteras (14:40 – 16:20) Chair: Magdalena Andres

Vertical Structure of the Hatteras and Gulf Stream Fronts Near Cape Hatteras, NC (Catherine Edwards, Skidaway Institute of Oceanography)

Variability of Shelfbreak Currents North of Cape Hatteras (Glen Gawarkiewicz, WHOI)

Shelf – Deep Ocean Exchange at Cape Hatteras From Two Years of Underwater Glider Observations (Robert Todd, WHOI)

Cessation of Shelf Water Export From the Southern MAB in the 2018 Winter (Lu Han, UNC Chapel Hill)

HF Radar Observed Gulf Stream Variability off Cape Hatteras During 2018 (Trip Taylor, Eastern Carolina University- Coastal Studies Institute)

SOCIAL WITH HEAVY APPETIZERS (17:00 – 20:00) at the Terrace Dining Room, Poole Clubhouse, Centennial Campus, NCSU. From Poole Clubhouse main entrance, go upstairs.

Wednesday October 9

Southern MAB (8:50 – 9:50) Chair: Mike Whitney

Interannual Variability of the Shelfbreak Jet on the New Jersey Shelf As Inferred From CMV Oleander Observations (Jacob Forsyth, MIT/WHOI)

Influence of Tides, Wind, and River Discharge on the Movement of Microplastic Marine Debris in the Delaware Bay (R. Alan Mason, U. Delaware)

Dispersion of Positively and Negatively Buoyant Particles in a Turbulent, Shallow Coastal Ocean (Todd Thoman, U. Delaware)

BREAK (9:50 – 10:10)

Northern MAB (10:10 – 11:30) Chair: Tobias Kukulka

Rationale and Design of the OOI Pioneer Array (Al Plueddemann, WHOI)

Inter-Annual Variability of the Shelfbreak Front in Spring and Fall Using Hydrography From the Pioneer Array Mooring Service Cruises (Marguerite McCarthy, WHOI)

Combining Altimetry With In Situ Observations From the Oleander and Line W Programs to Examine the Gulf Stream And a Pair of Regional Recirculation Cells (Magdalena Andres, WHOI)

Linking Nitrogen Sources to Water Quality in Long Island Sound (Mike Whitney, U. Conn.)

11:30 MEETING WRAP-UP (John Bane and Ruoying He)

Lunch: not provided as part of the workshop. Nearby options are listed below.

Lunch Options for COAWST Workshop