Students for Immigrant Rights and Equality

Meet SIRE!

Our purpose is to provide a space where all students can share their passion for advocacy of immigrant rights and take action in their own way to protect these rights. We strive to educate our community, spread awareness of pressing immigrant issues, take civil political action, and provide volunteer opportunities to work with immigrant communities.

Make a Difference. Get Involved.


We primarily promote education on immigration by hosting monthly educational events called Charlas for Change where we invite a guest speaker to talk about different immigration topics. We've brought in professors, lawyers, and people with ICE experiences.

Community Service

We create change on the ground by helping the immigrant community around us. SIRE is particularly invested in the case of undocumented pastor Jose Chicas and his family. Learn more about his situation below (and donate if you can!)

Political Action

We advocate for change at a legislative level by supporting progressive immigration reform. This take the form of petitions, protests, and voting! We also send out a monthly newsletter to update our members on the latest immigration politics. Subscribe below!