Student Resources

Political and educational resources for the educated Latinx! Did we miss a resource? Leave a suggestion!


Political Involvement

Poder NC Action

Poder NC is a local nonprofit that does civic and leadership development with Latinxs that share their values.


Mijente is a national org that is a "political home for Latinx and Chicanx people who seek racial, economic, gender and climate justice."

Siembra NC

Siembra NC is a local "organization of Latinx people defending our rights & building power with papers and without papers.”

Free Homework Help

Khan Academy

You probably know this one! Great for STEM courses. Would def recommend.

Patrick JMT

Youtube channel that explains Calculus 1-3 and physics topics.

Jeff Hanson

Youtube channel for engineering students, solid mechanics.


VOE Database

The Mexican Consulate's Ventanilla de Orientacion Educativa (VOE) compiled a database of several Latinx based scholarships, many of which don't requre citizenship.

Pack Assist

This is where you can apply for NC State's scholarships


The College Foundation of NC has a list of scholarships offered in NC.