Special Session on Intelligent Games for Learning

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) are creating new opportunities for game-based learning. For many years, games for learning have been created that provide engaging learning experiences in both education and training settings. Further, there is growing evidence that games are an effective medium for enhancing student learning outcomes. However, many educational games provide a one-size-fits-all experience for learners. By leveraging AI, it is possible to integrate the engaging immersive experiences of commercial games with the adaptive pedagogical functionalities of advanced learning technologies. Imbuing educational games with AI enables new classes of learning experiences that feature tailored problem scenarios, personalized feedback, and believable virtual learning companions. Further, applications of machine learning and data mining to the data produced by student interactions with games are rapidly enhancing our understanding of how to design and create more effective game-based learning experiences. These approaches show promise of broad impact across a range of educational domains, populations, and settings.

This special session of the IEEE Computational Intelligence and Games conference will showcase state-of-the-art research on artificial intelligence in games for learning, training, and education. We are keenly interested in research that pushes the boundaries of AI and computational intelligence in games to create learning experiences that are novel, more effective, and/or more engaging than traditional methods. Further, the session welcomes papers on a broad range of topics across different educational settings (e.g., schools, museums, after-school programs, training, healthcare), student populations (e.g., pre-school, primary, secondary, post-secondary, adult), and educational domains (e.g., science, mathematics, history, art, defense, professional training).


  • Intelligent tutoring
  • Affect recognition, understanding, and expression
  • Tutorial planning
  • Interactive narrative / narrative-centered learning
  • Student modeling
  • Plan, activity, and intent recognition
  • Intelligent pedagogical agents
  • Multimodal interfaces
  • Procedural content generation
  • Learning analytics / educational data mining
  • Games in informal learning environments
  • Evaluation of AI-enhanced games for learning
  • Tutorial dialogue
  • NLP in game-based learning
  • Innovative applications of educational games


Jonathan Rowe, Center for Educational Informatics, North Carolina State University

Bradford Mott, Center for Educational Informatics, North Carolina State University

Important Dates

  • March 1, 2018: Abstract submission deadline
  • March 15, 2018: Paper submission deadline
  • May 1, 2018: Notification of acceptance
  • June 1, 2018: Final paper submission deadline
  • August 14-17, 2018: CIG Conference


All submissions to the Intelligent Games for Learning special session should be full papers. Submitted papers will be stringently peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published in the main conference proceedings and on IEEE Xplore.

For additional details on paper submission requirements and author guidelines, please see the main conference CFP: https://project.dke.maastrichtuniversity.nl/cig2018/?page_id=29

When submitting, authors must indicate that their paper is associated with the “Intelligent Games for Learning” special session.

Submission URL: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cig18