research and publications


Module Categories for An web categories through  affine An-1 buildings.  2022.  ArXiv link: 

A Relative Fundamental Group for Discrete Subfactors. (with Corey Jones). In Preparation. 

Classifying Modular Tensor Cateogries Using Egyptian Fraction Solutions. (with Agustina Czenky, Julia Plavnik, Eric Rowell,  Abigail Watkins). In Progress

talks and presentations

"A Web(SL_n^-) Embedding through affine A_n-1 buildings"

"Type A Web Embeddings" BIRS Workshop on Subfactors and Fusion (2-)Categories, December 4, 2023. 

"Webs and Buildings in Type A",  AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, September 9, 2023.

"Web(SL_n^-) Embedding from affine A_n-1 buildings" OAS Follow-Up at Isaac Newton Institute, June 26, 2023 (Poster). 

"Web Category Embeddings from Affine A_n-1-buildings" Southeastern Lie Theory Workshop, May 12, 2023. 

"Module Categories for Tilt(SL_2k+1) from affine A_n-1 buildings" Oxford Junior Algebra Seminar, October 21 2022.