Old News

07-07-2021: Our* CHI Play submission “Little Computer People: A Survey and Taxonomy of Simulated Models of Social Interaction” was accepted for journal publication! (*POEM Ph.D. student Sasha Azad is the lead author, and I am the senior author.)

07-02-2021: The CFP for PLIE '21 is live!

06-25-2021: I gave a keynote talk at PPIG entitled "Procedural Literacy: Communicating Systems through Games and Narrative."

04-30-2021: A new workshop that I proposed (along with Joe Osborn and Ian Horswill), called Programming Languages and Interactive Entertainment (PLIE), was accepted at AIIDE 2021!

2020-09-25: I gave a virtual seminar talk at the CMU Human-Computer Interaction Institute titled "The Politics of Programming: Towards Convivial and Liberatory Digital Tools." Check out the video recording!

2020-08-23: About two years ago, I was interviewed by Felix Holmgren of The Search Space podcast, and the recording is now available.

2020-08-10: My collaborator Rogelio Cardona-Rivera gave a talk at ACS on our paper "The Visual Narrative Engine."

2020-07-28: Congratulations to POEM Lab members Chinmaya Dabral, Abhijeet Krishnan, and Aaron Williams for their authorship of two papers accepted to AIIDE 2020!

2020-05-06: I am co-chairing the inaugural Workshop on Human Aspects of Types and Reasoning Assistants (HATRA), affiliated with SPLASH 2020. Submit your talk abstracts!

2020-03-02: I am serving as the Playable Experiences Chair for AIIDE 2020!

2019-08-06: I received an NSF CAREER Award to support my work on Explorable Formal Models of Privacy Policies and Regulations!

2019-07-01: I am visiting the University of Utah School of Computing and Entertainment Arts & Engineering for three weeks!

2018-12-20: Congratulations to POEM Lab alum, Dr. Markus Eger, on his graduation from the Ph.D. program!

2018-09-18: I gave an invited talk at Strange Loop 2018 called Puzzles, Problems, and Programs.

2017-09-04: I gave a keynote talk at ICFP 2017 called Compositional Creativity.

2017-02-27: My collaborator Rogelio Cardona-Rivera and I gave a talk at the Game Developers Conference Narrative Summit on Procedural Narrative Generation.