On-Campus Resources

Research Writing Resources on Campus

The Graduate School provides workshops, series, and individual appointments for research writing support. Click the link above to explore options they currently offer or email Dr. Katie Homar, Director of Academic and Engineering Writing, at khomar@ncsu.edu for assistance. She also offers one-on-one appointments to review student writing.

The Graduate Writing Center offers students the option to bring a project to work with one-on-one with a trained graduate student tutor. The Writing Center is open September through May; make an appointment online by clicking the link above.

CE 610: Advanced Communication for Engineering Research

Dr. Kittle Autry teaches CE 610: Advanced Communication for Engineering Research for second year and above doctoral students. This course workshops two writing or communication projects, e.g. article, grant proposal, research poster, or slide deck and teaches students principles of effective research communication. Enrollment is by instructor permission; contact makittle@ncsu.edu for more information. Course offered every fall and spring.

CCEE students have historically benefitted from enrolling in the courses listed below. For more information, check the course schedule for a given semester or contact the Director of English as a Foreign Language, Dr. Haessler, at jshaesel@ncsu.edu.

FLE 400: American English Pronunciation

This course is open to both graduate and undergraduate students. The course provides intensive pronunciation practice for non-native speakers of English who want to improve the clarity of their English speech. The primary focus of the course is improvement in the areas that are most important in making speech more understandable and native-like: word-stress and phrase-stress, intonation, and the rhythm of English speech. In addition, there will also be individual and class work on vowel and consonant difficulties throughout the semester.

FLE 401: Advanced Oral Communication for International Graduate Students

This course is open to all international graduate students and international teaching assistants (ITAs). The focus of this course is to help graduate students improve their oral communication skills in a variety of academic scenarios (e.g. taking part in and leading a class discussion, giving a formal presentation, etc.). Pronunciation and listening comprehension skills are also practiced in individual and group activities. This course is limited to 12 students for individual attention and maximized speaking opportunities.

FLE 402: Research and Technical Writing for International Graduate Students

This course is intended to help international graduate students with technical and research writing. The class includes work on the analysis and writing of a research paper, including practice with the writing conventions and grammar necessary in technical writing. Students will complete a variety of group and individual assignments including a short literature review and analysis of writing conventions in their field of study, a group research project, critical reviews and class presentations, extended definitions, paraphrasing, and exercises designed to extend grammatical control in writing.

Not sure which course is the best fit for you? Talk to your advisor or reach out to Dr. Kittle Autry at makittle@ncsu.edu.