Communicating Research

CCEE is committed to providing our graduate students with outstanding preparation for the research communication skills necessary to lead a successful academic career. This page provides resources on writing research articles, delivering presentations, designing posters, and more. Wondering what workshops are offered this term? Visit our "Workshop Series" page for more information! 

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Reviewing Literature

Writing literature reviews

Reviewing literature is an important component to research writing. These slides guide you through key components of finding, reading, critiquing, and writing about literature. 

Writing Academic Research Articles

Research Article Introductions

This three-part video series explain the general structure of a research article introduction and provides examples to demonstrate effective introduction writing. 

Written and narrated by Dr. Meagan Kittle Autry. 

Visuals in Technical Communication

These videos provide an overview of how to design effective visuals in technical communication, including graphs and tables. 

To bookmark this helpful series, visit the CCEE department's playlist at: 

Giving Research Presentations

Presenting Your Research 

Delivering a strong, memorable presentation is a critical skill for young scholars. When your presentation is memorable (in a positive way!), you open up networking opportunities and develop your reputation as an expert. 

This presentation covers three key areas for presentations: 

Presenting Your Research {Web}

Giving a Great Online Presentation 

Michelle Jewell, science communicator in the department of Applied Ecology and former host during Shark Week, shares tips and strategies for giving a great online presentation. Don't miss this great workshop! Click the image to be taking to the Zoom recording link. Password: v6ugW@8f.

Designing & Delivering Research Posters

Research posters are an important genre for networking and communicating with researchers in your field. You want to design an attractive, informative poster that has a single clear message about your research. Check out the slides below for practical tips on designing an effective research poster and accompanying talk.

Watch the Workshop 

"Designing and Presentation a Research Poster" by Dr. Meagan Kittle Autry from February, 2022 (Zoom recording; NC State login required). 

Designing & delivering research posters {Web}

Preparing for Virtual Poster Sessions 

Click to view Zoom recording of this workshop (NC State users only) 

Recommended Viewing 

An important component of poster design is thinking through the user experience. This video (embedded at right) by doctoral student Mike Morrison explains why significant changes to the traditional poster structure would lead to a better conference poster session experience. 

Resources for Early Researchers

The NC State University Libraries has developed wonderful modules to support early researchers in successfully navigating the literature, library resources, and getting started in the scholarly community. Click the link below to be taken to these modules, which can each be used independently as you may need.