
Notes to get the most out of this activity

Learning Objectives

Learning objectives are adapted from Suchman et al. 2018.

  • Describe how antigens and epitopes are related using examples of virus antigens.

  • Explain why some antibodies that do not bind to epitopes are produced.

Alignment with NC Standards

  • Middle Grades 6-8 PDF

    • Bio.4.1 Understand how biological molecules are essential to the survival of living organisms

      • Bio.4.1.1 Compare the structures and functions of the major biological molecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) as related to the survival of living organisms.

  • High School Biology PDF

    • Bio.4.1 Understand how biological molecules are essential to the survival of living organisms

      • Bio.4.1.1 Compare the structures and functions of the major biological molecules (carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids) as related to the survival of living organisms.

Description of Alignment:

  • Students will compare the structures of a major biological model category, proteins, using 3D printed models and relating their shapes to their functions. Specifically, students will connect the structure of an antibody (protein) to its capability to detect a pathogen (protein) and elicit an adaptive immune response for organismal survival.

Suggested Timeline & Implementation

  • We suggest assigning the videos and the first part of the worksheet as homework.

  • The activities with the models can then be done virtually or in person in a 30-45 minute session.

  • A wrap-up discussion can be followed up with assigned individual reflections.

Potential Modifications & Assessment

  • Students can complete the handout and activity with the models in small groups.

  • Polling or low-stakes quizzes can be used to assess the achievement of the learning objectives.

  • The discussion questions can be used as a graded quiz.

  • Individual reflections can be graded for completion.

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