Registration for 2023 - 24 School Year

2023 - 24 學年註冊程序

For first time sign up, we strongly suggest use the desktop browser for the registration process.


Step 1: Please read the registration instruction


Greenwood Forest Baptist Church
110 SE Maynard Rd. Cary, NC 27511

Step 2: Please select your class(es) and complete the registration form


If you are not sure which class to register for your child(ren), please email:

TCML Classes

(Adult Mandarin Learning)

In addition, TCML (Taiwan Center for Mandarin Learning) offers different levels of classes for adults and teenagers without Mandarin learning background.  See TCML website for more details.

Step 3: Please choose your preferable payment method


Cash / Check via in-Person or Mail - 現金 / 個人支票 繳付

Please write the Check to: NC Raleigh Chinese Language School, and if you need mail the check, please mail the check to the following P.O.Box. 

Online Payment via Zelle - 線上轉帳 :

For the 2023 Fall semester, NCRCLS will accept online payment via Zelle.  Please see Zelle Setup Instruction.

Step 4: Please sign up for volunteering


NCRCLS relies on family involvement to provide a rich learning experience to all students. The service deposit paid at the time of enrollment is meant to encourage families to volunteer 4 times a year, twice for Student Affairs and twice for Academic Affairs/PTA.

The service deposit is applied once per family per year, regardless of the number of students they enroll. The deposit is refunded at the end of every school year, provided each family has satisfied the required 4 volunteer slots.

Families may sign up twice on each of the lists below via SignUp Genius:

Families must sign in and out at each of the 4 volunteer sessions to be eligible for the refund.

Families may also choose to donate the service deposit to the school and would not need to volunteer.

Step 5: Please check additional information



Parents Group

本學年度的家長們,在註冊後,我們會將您註冊時使用的 E-Mail 收入本學年度的家長群組 "" ,這個群組將用來發布重要的訊息,我們將會在開學前發布數次的測試信件,如果您在 2023-24 開學第一天都還沒有收到從家長連絡群組的測試信件,請在確認 Spam mail folder 後,如果依然沒有時,再與 聯繫,讓資訊組人員可以將您的 E-Mail 加入。

For parents of this school year, after you sign up, we will include your E-Mail in the parents group "" for this school year, which will be used for important messages. If you do not receive a test email from the group by the first day of school, please check the Spam mail folder and then contact so that someone from the information department can add your email to the group.


Student Accounts

Students Account for Accessing School Online / Digital Platform, provided by Google (NCRCLS Student Account) .

本校學生使用 Google 提供的 學校線上/數位平台的帳戶 (以下簡稱為 NCRCLS 學生帳戶)。

At year 2020, due to the pandemic many schools closed and converted to online / distant learning, at NCRCLS we quickly adapted and prepared the same for our students and to ensure the continuity of their Chinese Language learning.

2020 年,由於流行病疫情,許多學校關閉並轉換為線上/遠端學習,因此在 NCRCLS ,我們迅速為學生整理和準備了這些線上服務內容,以確保他們的中文學習的連續性。

by signing up our school for the fall 2023, all students will receive his/her account for the access of our language classes online material,  granted for the online access interaction with teachers and other students, and the account will remain active for the duration while paid student continuously with our school curriculum. 

在 2023 秋季入學時,所有學生都將獲得線上存取我們語言課程的帳戶,並可以透過本平台與老師和其他學生進行線上互動的權限,付費學生在本校課程學習期間,將可以持續使用該帳戶。

the student account will have the access for school managing E-Mail / Meeting / Classroom and many other school related activities, many parents might have some concern for the online privacy and security concern, but this services provided by Google is under the government regulation and will not share your children's' information to third party.

學生帳戶將可以連入由學校所管理 電子郵件/線上互動/數位教室 以及許多其他與學校相關的活動,許多父母可能會對線上隱私和安全問題有所顧慮, Google 提供的這些服務受政府法規的約束, 不會將各位小朋友的資訊分享給第三方。

Student Accounts >> Click me ; 本校學生帳戶 >> 請點我


Add/Drop/Change Classes Form