
What to Complete? (Click on the links below)

  • Take a deep breath!

  • 1.Reflect on the upstander video and complete the Padlet. Look for my response and chat with me during your SEL time. FEEL FREE TO DISSCUSS WITH OTHER STUDENTS AS WELL!

  • 2. Sign onto canvas and add the bullying course. Work on the course until your SEL class time is done.

  • 3. Thank you to those who participated in the Bullying Poster contest. I will post the winning poster next Wednesday and send the winner a prize.

Are you a Bystander or an Upstander?

Disscuss with your classmates a time when you were a bystander or ann upstander. Share on padlet...

Add the Bullying Course to your Canvas and complete the course by NOVEMBER 20, 2020.

How to add the course??????

Students can self-enroll in the course once you share with them this URL:

Alternatively,if canvas is not working for the students they can sign up at

and use the following join code: XYLWG3.

THANK YOU FOR ALL WHO PARTICIPATED IN THE POSTER CONTEST!!! The winners poster will appear on next Wednesdays lessons and the on the school website! A prize Will be sent to the winner.