Coalition Application

Key Features of Coalition:


This is your private, unlimited digital space where you can collect and organize important materials, such as documents, photos, and videos, as a record of your high school experience. Items you store in your secure, cloud-based Locker can easily be submitted as part of your application to Coalition schools

Collaboration Space

A virtual area in which you can connect with trusted adults, like counselors, teachers, and family members, and ask for their input on your college preparations. Here, you and your supporters can collaborate on things like college lists, essays, or applications

Coalition Application

Start your application as early as ninth grade to get a head start. Then apply to any of the 150+ Coalition member schools, easily and efficiently. Remember, Coalition schools are committed to making college affordable and helping you find success.

Fee Waivers

If you qualified for a CollegeBoard fee waiver, you can also receive waivers from Coalition​.

Coalition Application Overview (2).pdf