What is PRIME-HRM?

PRIME-HRM stands for Program to Institutionalize Meritocracy and Excellence in Human Resource Management. It is a mechanism to support the attainment of the Civil Service Commission vision of becoming a Center of Excellence for Human Resource and Organization Development. PRIME-HRM assesses the agency’s human resource management competencies, systems, and practices toward HR excellence. PRIME-HRM presents a more progressive system of assessment as it entails greater engagement not just of the human resource management officer (HRMO) but also of the officials and the rank-and-file employees of the agency. 

The program also aims to: 

• serve as search mechanism for best practices in human resource management; 

• serve as a venue for exchange and development of expertise in the area of human resource management between and among government agencies; 

• empower agencies in the performance of human resource management functions; and 

• promote and reward excellent human resource management practices.  

Who are covered by PRIME-HRM?

The program covers all national and local government agencies, including government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs) with original charter, state universities and colleges (SUCs), as well as regional offices of agencies with HR offices/units. As stated earlier, PRIME-HRM shall involve all HRMOs, heads of agencies, and rank and file employees. 



What happens under PRIME-HRM?

PRIME-HRM enables agencies to achieve HR excellence through three steps: 

Step 1 


The CSC will assess the maturity level of an agency’s competencies, systems and practices in four HRM systems. 

The four HRM Systems are: 

Step 2


Agencies will have access to technical assistance and development interventions based on their needs. 

Step 3


Agencies may vie for special rewards and citations, such as being a Center of HR Excellence or the Seal of HR Excellence. HRMOs may also be nominated / recommended for local study/scholarship grants. Of course, the biggest reward would be a motivated workforce and satisfied clients as a result of improved HR systems and procedures. 


Transactional HRM – HR assumes personnel function that is mostly separate from agency/business and talent needs

Process-Defined HRM – There is a set of defined and documented SOPs established, though it needs improvement. It is characterized by goal-oriented decision making. There is some automated system but little integration of data.

Integrated HRM – Uses process metrics for continuous improvement, an HR management toolkit, and data-driven decision making. HR function supports agency business needs.

Strategic HRM – HR processes are focused on continually improving process performance. It is also systematically managed by a combination of process optimization and continuous improvement. At this level, HR helps to drive agency business decision on people, data, and insight. HR strategy is already part of the agency strategy.


Each civil servant has a key role to play in PRIME-HRM