
To the Student

Many of your choices in the future depend upon your choices of high school courses today. This website has been assembled so that you will know which courses you are required to take in order to graduate from high school as well as which elective courses you may choose. We encourage you to pull up this website at home and discuss the courses with your parents or guardians. Give very serious consideration to your choices. Consider your own abilities, interests, and goals. Then, choose a program of study that will help you reach those goals. Please note that you will be required to take any associated North Carolina End of Course tests in English, mathematics and science and select assessments for Career and Technical Education courses.

To the Parent

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) and the North Carolina State Board of Education (NCSBE) implemented rigorous instructional standards by refining and strengthening core skills and concepts and knowledge in English, mathematics, science, and social studies. All students will be tested in high school on their mastery of the standards. All courses reflect these standards. All students must meet the graduation requirements included in this catalog. Please note that all students in grades 9-12 must take the associated North Carolina End of Course (EOC) tests in English, mathematics and science and select assessments for Career and Technical Education courses.


During the winter and spring, counselors in each middle and high school will be meeting with students and/or parents/guardians to aid students in the selection of appropriate courses for future years. Certain courses are required, but many courses may be selected according to a student’s interests. Alternates for elective courses should be chosen in case a schedule conflict makes the course unavailable or low enrollment forces cancellation of a course. Generally, elective courses, as well as specialty courses, must have an enrollment of 15 in order to be offered.