Athletics Information

NC Athletic Association Membership Athletic


All Moore County high schools are members of the North Carolina High School Athletics Association (NCHSAA) and their players/participants must meet/follow all NCHSAA guidelines.  

Students are responsible for having knowledge of and meeting  requirements; coaches and school athletic directors can provide complete information regarding NCHSAA regulations. All absences, whether the absences have been made up or not count towards North Carolina High School Athletic Association  (NCHSAA)  attendance eligibility.

Requirements for Athletic Participation


In order to participate in any sport, a student needs to have passed at least 70 percent of the courses taken in the preceding semester and the student must be on track to advance to the next grade level or graduate within the next calendar year. 


To be eligible for athletic participation, students must also have been in daily attendance 85 percent of the previous semester. Daily absences cannot be made up under any circumstances, even if  a student attends Saturday classes, extra help sessions, summer school and/or any other means  to make up academic work.

Note: In determining attendance, ALL absences count towards the total.

In addition to the aforementioned academic and attendance requirements, there are several other requirements  established by the North Carolina High School Athletic Association that govern athletic eligibility in North Carolina.

These NCHSAA eligibility requirements include:

Age and Birth Date: A student may not participate in  any sport if his or her 19th birth date comes on or before August 31st of the present school year.

Eight Semester Rule: A student may not participate at the high school level for a period lasting longer than eight consecutive semesters, beginning with the student’s first enrollment in the ninth grade.

Medical Examination: a player must receive a medical examination once every 395 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner or physician’s assistant. Student-athletes and their parents must complete the concussion awareness form annually, prior to participation.

Medical Releases: If an athlete misses five or more days of practice due to an injury, a medical release must be presented prior to the athlete returning to practice or to play. Student Athletes with potential head injuries must receive a medical release from a physician before re- admittance to practice or games.

Promotion Standards: All students must meet local promotion standards set by the MCS. A set number of total units earned must be met in order to be promoted to the next grade level.

Residence Requirement: a student is eligible to participate at the school to which he or she is assigned by the Board of Education. Transfers within the MCS administrative district are governed by local Board of Education Policy.

The athletic director and coaches at each high school  can tell you what sports are offered at your school.

Athletic Participation Form and Proof of Residency

Once each school year, high school student athletes and their parents will be required to complete an “Athletic Participation Form.” The form must be completed and on file with the school prior to participation in a contest. Along with the Athletic Participation Form, parents must submit two documents as proof of residence.

College Bound Student Athlete

To play sports as a freshman in NCAA Division I and Division II, you must meet specific standards. You must graduate from high school and make at least the minimum required grade-point average in 16 core academic classes for Division I and 16 core academic classes for Division II.

NCAA Division I Core Academic Course Requirements

Complete 10 of your 16 NCAA-approved core-course credits, including seven in English, math or science, before the start of the seventh semester.

Complete your 16 NCAA-approved core-course credits in eight academic semesters or four consecutive academic years from the start of ninth grade.

Earn a minimum 2.3 core-course GPA.

NCAA Division II Core Academic Course Requirements

The grade-point average requirements are for the 16 core courses in Division I and the 16 core courses in Division II, not the overall GPA.

Be sure to look at your high school’s list of NCAA approved core courses located on the NCAA Eligibility Center’s website to make certain that the courses being taken have been approved as core courses. Only courses that appear on your school’s approved list of NCAA Courses will be used in the calculation of the core GPA. Please use the list as a guide. The Eligibility Center’s website is

Students should work with their high school counselor and coach to make certain their class schedule is on track to meet the NCAA guidelines.

NCAA Eligibility Center


If the student intends to participate in Division I or II athletics as a freshman, then he/she must register and be certified by the NCAA Eligibility Center.

Fee Waivers

High school counselors may waive the application fee if the student has previously qualified for and received a waiver of the ACT or SAT fee.

Additional Information

Athletic information included is provided as a resource. Specific questions or clarifications of athletic  information and/or eligibility should be addressed  to the school’s athletic director.

For more information regarding the rules, please go to Click on “Academics and Athletes” then “Eligibility and Recruiting” Or visit the NCAA Eligibility Center Website at

Please call the NCAA Eligibility Center if you have questions:  (877) 262-1492.