Creating an Implementation Plan

Watch the video for an introduction to the Standards for Family & Community Partnerships.

Create an Effective Family/Community Partnership

Establishing an effective, sustainable community partnership requires a long-term commitment to the process. This process includes:

  • Identifying long term and intermediate goals
  • Identifying the current situation, resources required, and staff strengths
  • Developing action plans
  • Determining implementation effectiveness through ongoing assessment and evaluation

Implementation Plan

Getting Started

Every implementation should be designed to achieve a specific, measurable, and achievable goal.

Ask your team:

What do you want to accomplish?

How can you get there?

What resources do you need to be successful?

Assess the Current Situation

If you have not already done so, complete the linked self-assessment.

Use the self assessment as a basis for your implementation strengths and needs.

Resources that might be useful to further assess your current situation:

      • Parent Surveys (School developed surveys, purchased surveys)
      • North Carolina Teacher Working Conditions Survey (or similar state survey with a Community Involvement Section)
      • Phone messages (track phone message themes over the course of a year)
      • PTA meetings (track open discussion notes over the course of a year)

Analyze Data

Look for trends across data points:

      • Do trends occur only in one set of data,or across data points?
      • Ask: What in this data needs:
        1. An immediate response?
        2. A short-term action plan?
        3. A long-term action plan?

Write Goals

  1. Use a SMART goal format (Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Realistic, Time-bound) to write your goals.
  2. Identify multiple,research-based strategies that strategically and incrementally move your implementation steps toward the desired goal.
  3. Assess your strategies: Use the following chart as a guide:

Develop an Action Plan for each long-term goal.

Identify supporting goals, expected outcomes, resources needed, people responsible, funding needs and a timeline for each long-term goal. Use the chart below as a guide.


Complete a Logic Model: Planning with the end in mind works well with a logic model template.

For a step-by-step guide to creating a logic model:

For templates :

Train Personnel

Develop a training plan to ensure all participants receive thorough training in each aspect of the implementation. Also ensure each person is aware of their responsibilities for the outcome (Ohio Department of Education, 2016). Use the following questions to guide your training decisions:

      • What goal(s) will training support?
      • Who needs to be trained? By when do the participants need the knowledge and skills?
      • Do the participants need to be trained to mastery, or have a functional knowledge of the skills presented in the training? If mastery is required, how long will mastery take? What supports do the participants need to be successful over time?
      • Logistics: Where will the training be held? How much will it cost? Are substitutes needed?

Plan for Roadblocks

Visit the Evaluating Barriers to Family Partnerships page of this module or use the checklist below to address potential roadblocks.

Identify potential roadblocks and role play a variety of responses!


Determine how to measure and celebrate your success.

Address the following questions in your plan:

  • What constitutes success?
  • How can you replicate your success?
  • What needs to continue?
  • What needs to be changed?
  • How did roadblocks impact your plan?
  • How can they be avoided in future plans?

Assess and monitor your implementation using the Ohio Community Collaboration Model Implementation Guide as a resource (Ohio Department of Education, 2016)


Community Tool Box. (2016). Section 5. Developing an action plan. Retrieved from

Ohio Department of Education. (2016, January 26). Framework for building partnerships among

schools, families and communities. Retrieved from

Taylor-Powell, E. (n.d.). Logic models to enhance program performance. Retrieved from


Once your implementation plan is prepared, proceed to the Successful Implementations page to view events designed for success at any school level or back to the Perspectives and Resources page to choose your next step.