Parent portal

Parent’s responsibility to the band

It is the responsibility of every parent and guardian to see that the policies outlined in the handbook are followed and that the form in the back is signed and returned.  This states that you understand the policies set within and that any questions are to be directed to the band director by making an appointment.  Each parent is responsible for the attendance of his or her child at all band functions.  It is the responsibility of each parent to see that the child practices his or her instrument daily. The hand of the directors is tied without the help of parents.  

How parents can help

When a band question arises, it is important that you get factual information before discussing it with others.  We do more harm to ourselves, the band family, when we talk about things that contain one or more falsehoods presented as facts.  If questions arise, it is important to remember this axiom:  If it is a performance issue or anything dealing with the band proper, contact the band director.  If it is a fund-raising question or anything dealing with parent issues, talk with the band council.  Other ideas that parents can do to help the band are:
