Frequently Asked Questions

When is the Referendum?

Election day is May 14, 2024 from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Make your plan to vote by visiting the voting information webpage.

What are the key benefits of the Referendum?

The valuation of my property showed an increase on the notice that I received from the county, so does that mean my taxes will be increasing even without the passage of the bond referendum?

If all properties increase by the same percentage, then each property owner will pay the same share of total school taxes; however, if the property value increases by more or less than the average amount, then you will pay a larger or smaller share of school taxes.

What is Ag2School Tax Credit? 

In 2017, Minnesota State Legislature conceived and passed the Ag2School tax credit program significantly reducing the tax burden on agricultural landowners.

Read more by visiting the Ag2School Tax Credit webpage.

What is the impact on farmers?

Minnesota recognizes that a lot of tax burden is put on farmers. As such, 70% of the tax impact on farmers is paid for by the State. In our district, that means that nearly half of the project is being funded by the State.

How much will the State pay if both questions are passed?

Due to the Ag2School Tax Credit program, if both referendum questions pass on May 14, 2024, the the State of Minnesota will pay approximately $3.9 million of the total bond amount. That equates to over 54% of the referendum project total cost!