New York State Education Information

From the State Education Department - All Materials Available in Multiple Languages

This video describes the MLL/ELL identification and assessment process and outlines in detail various available program options. It also describes specific information related to the ENL Program at North Colonie.

In here, you will find information about how children are identified as MLLs, the kinds of programs available for MLLs/ELLs, when students can exit MLL/ELL programs and services, and how can parents obtain additional information, materials, and resources from local schools .

This document summarizes critical rights concerning educational access and programming for MLLs/ELLs and their parents. These key rights are summarized in an easy to reference one-page format and have been translated into twenty-seven languages. 

This is a ten-page booklet that includes Bilingual Education and English as a New Language program descriptions, Frequently Asked Questions about MLLs/ELLs, Facts about Bilingualism and Bilingual Education, links to MLL/ELL parent resources, and tips on “Participating in Your Child’s Education.” This booklet has been translated twenty-five languages, including the top ten MLL/ELL home languages in NYS. 

These guides provide an explanation of two of the assessments that assess the English language level/proficiency of students whose home or primary language is other than English. The guides have been translated into twenty-two languages. 

This whiteboard animation video, describes the MLL/ELL identification and assessment process and outlines in detail various available program options. It also describes the differences between English as a New Language and the various Bilingual Education program models.

The text of the Video Narration, is also available in 9 additional languages .

A College Access Guide for Multilingual Learners/English Language Learners in New York State. 

Phone: (800) 469-8224 

This Hotline was created to provide parents, guardians and other persons in parental relation of MLLs/ELLs with information about their rights and services for their children pursuant to Commissioner’s Regulation 154. It also provides a mechanism to respond to specific inquiries about the delivery of these services.