Global History & Geography

2017-2018 was a transition year in Global History and Geography. The NEW Regents Exam in Global History and Geography II, based on the NYS K–12 Social Studies Framework, will be given in June 2019. What does this mean for you? It means that you may see content and skills material presented differently than you have in the past. The Regents exam you will take in June of 2020 WILL ONLY COVER CONTENT FROM 10th grade, however the SKILLS needed will be a major focus in 9th grade. The 9th grade curriculum is terrific. It really is! The course begins with the Paleolithic Era and continues through 1750. My lesson plans are designed to enhance your thinking as well as to help you become responsible and involved citizens in a world that is interdependent and globally diverse. There will be a continued focus on many social studies skills, particularly interpreting primary sources with special emphasis on sourcing, bias and point of view.

I would like to stress the importance of mutual respect in our class. It is important to RESPECT one another's differences in terms of personal beliefs and attitudes. I look forward to growing and learning with you this year as well as having a little fun along the way! Remember: a positive attitude goes a LONG WAY!