Scratch Showcase

This is a sampling of files created in Scratch. Each file will play in the browser. To see the code for the app, click on the title of the app. To learn more about Scratch, visit: 

Truchet tiles are square tiles decorated with patterns that are not rotationally symmetric. When placed in a square tiling of the plane, they can form varied patterns.

Simply click on the tiles to create you own patterns.

Click on the green flag to reset the tiles.

Truchet tiles are square tiles decorated with patterns that are not rotationally symmetric. When placed in a square tiling of the plane, they can form varied patterns.

Simply click on the tiles to create you own patterns.

Click on the green flag to reset the tiles.

Panda Squares are 16 tiles, each made up of four smaller squares that are black or white. 

The object? Arrange the 16 tiles into a 4 by 4 square so that the colors match along the edges of tiles next to each other.

Use the mouse to move the tiles & click the tile to rotate it 90°.

Choose any three numbers. Then the Sprite will move in a pattern of Right, Up, Left, Down, using the three numbers selected. 

Press the space bar to start a random walk.

Click on the green flag. 

A random number will be chosen, and a regular polygon with that number of sides will be drawn. 

The measure of the interior angle is also given.

Click on the Roll button to roll the d4!

This is a 2D version of the classic Pipes Screensaver.