Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures


The safety of our students is always of paramount concern. Therefore, it is imperative that our morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up procedures be strongly adhered to. The following information is a joint message from both the North Caldwell Police Department and School Administration. 

Morning Drop-Off:

 Drop off students ONLY in front of the Gould building (6th grade building) on that side of the street. 

• Do NOT drop-off in front of the Mountain building. 

• Do NOT drop-off in the back of the Gould school building.

 • Do NOT drop-off on the opposite side of the street from the school. 

• Do NOT make a U-Turn on Gould Avenue after dropping your child off. 

• Do NOT make a K-Turn in the Gould driveway to turn around. 

• Do NOT drop off students in the crosswalk or in either of the STAFF parking lots. 

Afternoon Car-Line Pick Up:

Pick up children in the driveway that loops around the Gould School building. 

• The car line forms on the school side of Gould Avenue and proceeds down Gould Avenue. 

• Do NOT block the firehouse or the police department's driveways. 

• Do NOT make a left turn into the Gould School driveway. 

Afternoon Walker Pick Up:

Pick students up past Park Avenue, on Park Avenue, or in the Pool parking lot.  

Pick Up Before 3:15

If a child is to be excused before the end of the regular school day for a medical appointment, etc., he/she is to bring a signed note to his/her homeroom teacher prior to 8:45 a.m. Parents should also call the main office 10 minutes before arrival so the student is packed up and ready to go. The student will then be released from the main doors of the Mountain Building when your vehicle has arrived in front of the main steps and is identified.