Year 3

Please click the links below to see Year 3 curriculum resources.


Whats been happening in Year 3 over the last 3 weeks: -

3rd March 2020 - What have we been learning…...

For the last 3 Weeks we have been preparing for our Celebration of Learning and Assembly. We inquired into ‘People have varying access to water’ and how water is part of our everyday lives. We shared this knowledge with our peers and parents during the Assembly.

In maths we have been learning all about money and are able to add, subtract and give change from different amounts of money.

In Language we are focusing on writing a Non- Chronological reports, we have identified the structural and language features, researched and invented reports of our own on a range of topics.


Central Idea – People have varying access to water

Lines of Inquiry -

- How water is a part of our everyday lives (connection)

- Our responsibility when using water (responsibility).

- Where water comes from (function).

- Features of a river

We have focused on our central idea, studying the water cycle, features of and river and how people use the water available to them. It has been a lot of fun investigating the properties of water and discovering what a valuable resource it is. It has also been frightening to inquiry and imagine where our water may once have been. Did a dinosaur really drink this glass of water?

We have also been sharing in our Graditude journals, thinking how we can get smarter and showing our coding skills in ICT.

Maths - 11.2.120

Year 3 have been learning to

  • Comparing statements
  • Related calculations
  • Multiply 2-digits by 1-digit
  • Divide 2-digits by 1-digit (1)
  • Scaling different amounts
  • How many ways can we show our learning

Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables.

Write and calculate mathematical statements for multiplication and division using the multiplication tables they know, including for two digit numbers times one-digit numbers, using mental and progressing to formal written methods.

Solve problems, including missing number problems, involving multiplication and division, including positive integer scaling problems and correspondence problems in which n objects are connected to m objects.

It has all been very tricky but we have managed to make learning fun and engaging!!

English -

We have been focusing on Wishing Tales, we looked at what happens to the character in the story, we sequenced the story together and then we used our story writing tool kits to break the story into parts and then we have invented our own story using the story writing toolkit to improve our writing.

I can group similar information together

I can include details to add an element of humour, surprise or suspense

I can use paragraphing in narratives

I can use fronted adverbials

I can use powerful verbs

I can use possessive apostrophes

What we have been up to lately.... 12.12.19

In Language:

We have been focusing on the language features used to create advertisement scripts and creating our own adverts. The students have had a large focus on expanding our vocabulary. They have been developing their writing skills, studying a range of different types of texts . A key focus area has been to support students to expand their vocabulary in order to make their work more interesting and exciting, encouraging students to be risk-takers while writing. Classes have created, utilising students prior knowledge, various word bank posters to help during their writing tasks. For instance the verb “said” can be changed to yelled, muttered, declared, responded, while the adjective “big” has words such as enormous, colossal, tremendous or spacious to replace it. Word mats are also used to during writing exercises to enhance vocabulary. Lastly, in order to develop a love of the English language, students also come up with a class “Word of the Week” from their own reading. This is a lovely way to create open-mindedness and foster children’s inquisitiveness.

Maths -

In the past 3 weeks we have been learning to:

  • Add and subtract numbers mentally
  • Add and Subtract, crossing the tens boundary with and without exchanging, using formal column written methods.

Language -

In the past 3 weeks we have been:

  • Inventing a Warning Tale story of our own focussing on setting description
  • Inquiring into types of advertising
  • Exploring different Persuasive writing techniques.


In the past 3 weeks we have been:

  • completing our own investigations of solids, liquids and Gases using Fair Test methods.
  • writing our final summative assessment
  • Tuning In to our new Unit of Inquiry - Entrepreneurs


Enterpreneurs -

Buying and Selling!

This week we have been tuning into our our new unit of inquiry. This began with an immersion into the retail world of Circle K. The children had the opportunity to visit one of the local stores thanks to parents from the school. The children looked where Circle K fits into the retail market as a C-store or convenience store and all of the facilities it can provide to the customer. We then explored the different jobs with in the store and how products are categorised, displayed and sold. The children then got an opportunity to shop for their own party, and scan their purchases to find the total costs. The whole learning experience was very valuable, the children showed themselves to be curious, principled and respectful young people.

Year 3 Gets Physical!

International Geography Week Round Up


For International Week students have been inquiring into the physical and human geographical features of the world, first we developed map reading skills with Mr Marshall, helping us to understand the keys on a map, how the world's 3D model can be displayed as a 2D model and the different sections of the world. Using atlases we worked to together to identify geographical features of Russia and create our own map. We further developed our understanding of human geographical features by focusing on different settlements around the world and creating collages with Ms Purdy. Next we explored India, with Mr Jones, looking at the physical geographical features of India, including how people live in the Indian Himalayas, the River Ganges and the Thar Desert. We used our creativity to create collages, maps and models to show our learning. The centre piece for each class has been to make a 3D model of each of these physical features of India. Please come see our display outside the library.

Year 3 - 17th September 2019



We have had a great start in Year 3 this year as we welcomed a new Teaching Assistant to our team Ms Aya Ibrahim and the old crew are excited and ready for the year ahead. We have also welcomed lots of new students and families to Year 3. Each day has seen the children starting to settle into Year 3 routines, adjusting to our exciting 2 week timetable and getting to know our new classmates. We have created Class Essential Agreements so we know how to cooperate and children make good decisions on how to behave in class. As a result, we have been discussing many of the learner profile attributes and how important it is to be principled and caring, and to listen to everyone. Of course, we have already begun our learning and have enjoyed many fun learning activities. It was lovely to see so many parents at Meet the Teacher on Wednesday and we now look forward to inviting you to share those experiences of learning firsthand later this term. As a team we are very enthusiastic about the exciting learning journey we have ahead of us this year!

Here's What we have been up to lately.

What we have been up to lately.... 12.12.19

In Maths:

We have been learning to add and subtract using the column method, we then represented this using the bar model , were able to solve one-step word problems and use the inverse to check our answers. It's been a very busy time, we have learned through making mistakes and used our growth mindset to reflectt on new strategies to solve the problems and to be successful. Well done year 3!