Posters T-Z

Poster sessions will take place. You should be available to discuss your poster at the times allocated based on your number/letter for each session.

Tuesday 16:30-18:30: Odds: 16:45-17:30 Evens 17:30-18:15

Wednesday 11:30-12:30: A: 11:30-12:00 B: 12:00-12:30

Fangxing Tian: Forced decadal changes in the East Asian summer monsoon: the roles of greenhouse gases and anthropogenic aerosols (103, B)

Poppy Townsend: How heavy is data? (104, B)

Jamie Trembath: Future of core aerosol measurements on the FAAM BAe-146 (105, A)

Andy Turner: Emerging results from the INCOMPASS field campaign of the 2016 Indian monsoon

(106, A)

Benoit Vanniere: Sensitivity of the Hydrological Cycle to Global Climate Models’ Resolution (107, B)

Geraint Vaughan: Transport of Canadian forest fire smoke over the UK as observed by lidar (108, B)

Adam Vaughan: (109, A)

Pier Luigi Vidale: The High-Resolution Global Climate Modelling Programme. (110, A)

Ambrogio Volonté: Highlights on the dynamics of sting jets in real-case and idealised simulations

(111, B)

Nicola Warwick: Evaluation of the impact of tropospheric chlorine on methane isotopologues using the UM-UKCA model (112, B)

Antje Weisheimer: Seasonal forecast ensembles: How confident are predictability estimates of the NAO? (113, A)

Lisa Whalley: OH, HO2 and RO2 Radical and OH Reactivity Observations during the Summertime in Beijing: High In-Situ Ozone Production and Evidence of a Missing OH Source. (114, A)

Laura Wilcox: Physically robust climate response to the recent increase in Asian anthropogenic aerosol emissions (115, B)

Kai Chi Wong: Different responses of the Asian monsoon to orographic forcing in two global climate models (116, B)

Steven Woolnough: Subseasonal climate variability and prediction in support of decision making in the Tropics (117, A)

Gui-Ying Yang: Linking African Easterly Wave activity with equatorial waves

and the influence of Rossby waves from the Southern Hemisphere (119, B)

Lorraine Youds: GCRF African SWIFT Project (120, B)