Freshman Year
Freshman Checklist
Attend a Post-Graduation Info Night
Meet with Mrs. Greely at least once per semester
Begin building Naviance Profile
Complete an Aptitude/Interests Survey in Naviance
Take the PSAT 10
Take the CLT 10
Review high school course map.
Enjoy your classes!
Taking Action
Regularly check grades for accuracy
Participate in extracurricular activities
Consider community service opportunities
Research interesting jobs and career paths
Updates / Announcements
Freshman Year Post-Grad Workshop Series - Freshman will meet with their advisor in the fall and spring to begin the Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).
9th grade students will meet with their advisor once each semester to continue their Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP).
Introduction to Naviance
Take a Self-Discovery Assessment
Set three goals for the year
Journal Entry
Check Q4 grades
Update Portfolio
Set summer goals
Journal Entry
Info Night Slide Decks