Course Drop / Add Policy
Course Drop/Add Policy
The selection of courses by students is one of the most important events in a student’s high school career. It is not only important because it affects career goals but it also determines staffing and how financial resources are allocated. For these reasons, the dropping or adding of courses in a student’s schedule will be considered only under extenuating circumstances. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that students and parents thoroughly review required course offerings, elective course offerings, pre-requisites and co-requisites before finalizing course selections.
It should also be noted that course credits are final. Credits assigned to a course are defined by the curriculum content and the length of the course (full year or semester). Course credits will not be adjusted (i.e., a 5 credit course cannot be assigned 2.5 credits).
Beginning in 2014, at the time of selecting courses, rising seniors may request Early-Out with a signed permission slip on file. After the school year begins, Early-Out is still an option for qualifying seniors who are assigned a study hall during period eight. After schedules are finalized, schedules will not be changed to accommodate Early-Out requests.
Schedule Changes
The following procedures must be adhered to when adding or dropping courses:
1. Acceptable considerations for schedule changes:
a. any special requests or extenuating circumstances deemed essential
by the Director of Guidance and/or the Principal
b. assignment to a teacher in whose class student previously failed
c. level changes approved by department supervisors/administration
2. Unacceptable reasons for schedule changes:
a. social reasons
b. lunch period preferences
c. teacher preference
d. personality conflicts (unless serious and documented)
e. study hall preferences
f. any other reason deemed unnecessary by the school
3. After the start of the school year, courses may not be dropped unless careful review is completed by the counselor. The final approval for a change must come from the Director of Guidance and/or the Principal.
4. All procedures and steps as outlined in the Course Change Form must be followed. Dropping a course is considered a last resort after all other measures to remediate the problem have proven unsuccessful. Students will have the first week of each semester to make any changes. After that time, changes will not be approved unless there is a significant and documented need. Changes may only occur if they meet approved guidelines, deadlines and as space permits.
Failure Make-Up
In order to make up a failed class, underclassmen (grades 9, 10 and 11) may only attend an “accredited” regular summer school or be assigned the failed course(s) as part of their regular schedule the following year(s), if possible. Students should not sign up for summer school to make up a course without first checking with the Guidance Department.
Only seniors may seek alternative options in consultation with their counselor and with the approval of the respective Department Supervisor and Director of Guidance.
Withdrawal of Class
Any course dropped after the posted drop deadline will be assigned a grade of “W/P” (withdrawn pass) or “W/F” (withdrawn fail), based on a student’s current standing in the class.
Study Halls
All students are allowed only 1 assigned study hall per semester. Ninth grade students are required to have a study hall unless they are in a double-period Math class or involved in the music program--band, orchestra or choir.