Private Lesson Information

Should my band student take private lessons? The quick answer is YES!

Private instruction is when a student is able to work one-on-one with a professional musician, the private teacher is able to work more in depth with the student.

We strongly encourage our band members to take private lessons on their instrument, as this is a great way to set and achieve measurable goals with a Professional Musician or Specialist on a specific instrument.

Each instrument has special needs, tendencies, and we partner with some of the finest trained professionals in their fields. There is no substitute for taking lessons with an individual who performs or specializes on a specific instrument, and we work to find the best fit for each of our band members. 

Many people think that "private lessons" or "tutoring" are only needed for kids who are struggling with their instrument, while it is great for "extra help" as it suggests, those students who are excelling on their instruments benefit equally and usually excel to a whole new level of performance.

Benefits of Private Lessons