Future NBMS Band Member Information

How to Join? 

Email djimenez@nbisd.org to sign up for a date and time for the beginner band try out

Dear 5th Grade Families,

We are excited that you are considering band as one of your child's electives for 6th grade! Signing up is easy! All you have to do is follow these simple steps:

What days are 5th Grade Instrument Band Drives

In May your student will have the opportunity to try out on an instrument. If you missed the May dates, it's NOT TOO LATE! Contact Mrs. Jimenez (djimenez@nbisd.org) or Ms. Wares (hwares@nbisd.org) so we can get your student placed in a band class today!

Can I be in Band and _________?


The band directors work hard with other teachers & coaches so that the students can be in band and also do other things such as, football, cheer, basketball, dance, volleyball, theater, choir and high school electives. NBMS believes students should try out different things and see what they like and what they don’t like, what they are good at and may find something that they may be better at.