CCHW School Therapist

Providing free Mental Health Service to support youth and families, while improving student learning and well-being.

North Bend Secondary School Therapist

Sarah Simpkins


What is School-Based Mental Health?

· Partnership between your youth’s School District and Coos Health & Wellness to provide free and convenient Mental Health Services to current District students and their families.

· Provides counseling and other supports to help students regulate and manage their emotions in addition to depression, anxiety, stress, and other challenges.

· Focus is on increasing student’s ability to learn and participate fully in their educational goals.

· Services are youth and family driven and can include school teachers and others when helpful.

· Provides immediate crisis response and assistance when needed as well. as more planned and focused care.


· As a medical service, mental health records are kept in strict confidence in accord with the privacy practices of Coos Health & Wellness.

· Coos Health & Wellness cannot release information to the School District or others without parent or legal guardian authorization.

· If you approve communication with the School, the Mental Health Provider will talk with you to clearly understand what information may be shared and what information may not be shared with teachers, administrators or others.

· Coos Health & Wellness does release information as required or allowed by law. Commonly this involves mandatory abuse reporting and activities related to treatment coordination, payment and operational requirements such as audits.

· Any record requests regarding your youth’s care would be directed to Coos Health & Wellness.

· Please reference Coos Health & Wellness’s Privacy Practice guidelines for a full description.

Youth & Family Choice

· The school-based mental health provider may see a youth when they experience struggles related to their mood or behavior. These interventions will be brief, focused and aimed at returning the youth back to the classroom.

· For all other types of School-Based Mental Health care and supports we need your approval or “consent” as the parent or legal guardian.

· In these situations, the Mental Health Provider will contact you to ask for your consent and develop a plan of care that you help direct.

· By Oregon law, youth 14 years and older can consent to their own care including Mental Health care but we are required to involve parents/guardian unless it is unsafe to do so.



· This program is funded by a grant from the Health Systems Division of the State of Oregon, OHP/ Advanced Health Coordinated Care and your School District.

· Services for youth covered by Oregon Health Plan– Advanced Health are funded by Advanced Health. All others are funded by HSD/State of Oregon grant funding with limited information sharing based on grant requirements.


· Complaints may be directed to the School District and specific Mental Health service complaints may be directed to Coos Health & Wellness at 541-266-6700 or its oversight bodies including the Oregon Health Authority 503-945-5763 or Disability Rights Oregon 800-452-1694.


· Under Oregon Rule you and your youth have specific rights regarding mental health care. These relate primarily to competent and respectful treatment, choice in services, involvement/direction in care, confidentiality of information.

· Please reference website for more information on Rights.