Tenei ranei tera (This or that)

Tenei ranei tera!
(This or that)

Copy of Room 1/2 Daily Writing Week 3

W.A.L.T Describe something using our senses.

'Winning was a dream come true'

"I can't believe it. Honestly, crossing the line it was disbelief,"

"I didn't hear the hooter and thought I had stopped before the line".

"For me this is for everybody. It's a dream come true."

"I'm lost for words. I can't believe it. All these years, many, many disappointments. I can't thank the people I have surrounded myself with enough. They got me here. That's not my result, it's my team"

Newspaper Article - Emma Twigg at Tokyo

Walt: to be able to write an factual article

Walt: to take information and put it into our writing

Newspaper Article Key Features R1 2021
]Newspaper Article - Template