Distance Learning 2021

Google Meet




Sharing Finished Work!

Thursday 2 September
Religious Education

RE - Te Atua

WALT: recall the story of Abraham and Sarah

  • Copy the slides

  • Watch the videos

  • Answer the questions on the third slide

  • Post your shape creations with an explanation on your blog

R1 L2 God - 2021 Year 5-6


Thursday Room 1/2 Daily Writing Week 2

Te Reo writing

WALT: use Te Reo in our writing

  • Check out the Thursday Challenge

  • Describe the monster using Te Reo

  • POST!

  • Make sure you have:

  • Title

  • DLO

  • Reflection

  • Sources

  • WALT

  • What you have done


WALT: write our letters the correct size

Write the following text the take a photo - add it to the check in sheet

Quality Blog Post

  1. Title - Make it catchy so people click on it.

  2. Introduction-The first thing you write that makes people want to read more.

  3. DLO - Digital learning object.

  4. Reflection - looking back at what you have done.

  5. Sources - Putting images or videos on your blog post.

  6. Question - asking others what you want to know.


WALT: Work from home!

Connect with your group page and make a copy of the slides.

Work through your Tuesday tasks. Remember you can check out other groups if you finish early!

If you have finished all of your group activities...

-You can have a go at some of the other group work.
-You can do the work assigned to you on
-Keep up with your timestables practice. You can use

Statistics review


Fill out the ones from the awesome students in our class:



Time to make our own.

  • Make up your own form and add the link into the check in page for me to share with the class.

  • Remember you can ask questions like - favourite icecream


Recipes for the zoo!

WALT: respond to text, following format and genre

Time to convince others. Just saying if you think zoos should be banned or not is not enough. Create a visual representation of your argument.


  • Use the choice board to find ideas how you would like to present

  • Present your argument in a format you are proud of

  • Take your time

Read to me document

Read to me

  • Copy the slideshow

  • Add video of you reading daily to the correct slide!


At-Home Guide


  • Teach someone at home the bean commands

  • Get ready for them to come up on the meet

  • DEAR

  • Build up your log with some extended reading